Thursday, December 31, 2009

Flood Zone Certification Florida

Garofalo Spaghetti sauce with peas, clams and caviar with rosemary

Actually this would be an idea for a filled pasta: the combination is classic chick- Pulp Rosemary clams, the idea was to make ravioli stuffed with sauce and fried with chickpea liquid water from the clams and the clams themselves. But then came Michael That convinced me to participate in this contest :

So I turned the idea of \u200b\u200bstuffed pasta in a spaghetti always loved. Actually, at first blush the idea was to participate with the last meal I had posted: carrettiera the tomato vanilla where I already held, in very difficult times, to use pasta Garofalo, but the regulation required an unusual recipe, and then here I am with the Spaghetti Garofalo (cooking risotto), chickpea sauce, clams and caviar with rosemary.

For the sauce, chick peas,

130 grams of cooked chickpeas
2 plum tomatoes
a pinch of orange habanero (Or in other hot pepper)
extra virgin olive oil salt to taste

Put the chickpeas to soak at least the night before, it would be better the day before. Then drain the water (if you want even more than once) and cook the chickpeas in a pressure cooker and served initially with water (sorry for the game of water). Chickpeas in a pressure cooker need an hour of cooking from the whistle.
After cooking, put the chickpeas with a little cooking water in the blender, then add the seeded tomatoes, a pinch of salt, and habanero oil. Blend until it is creamy with no lumps, adjusting the quantities of oil, water from cooking the chickpeas and salt needed. Viewed
use dell'habanero I would say a few words about this cultivar of red pepper. I think not thank you enough for letting me meet Isidore the habanero, which besides being a very spicy chili, so you must use it with caution, also has a unique flavor, its just that he's a little secret of this sauce. So yes, you can use any other hot pepper, but the flavor is dell'habanero something extra, beyond all need, as I said, knowing the determination because it has flavor, slightly pinch but do not burn!

For the caviar rosemary

250 ml infusion of rosemary
2 grams of rosemary leaves
250 grams of natural mineral water

Whisk the water to 75 degrees with the rosemary and then filter through adding a pinch of salt
1,5 grammi di alginato di sodio
10 grammi di cloruro di calcio
1 litro di acqua

Preparare una soluzione con il litro di acqua e i 10 grammi di cloruro di calcio.
Frullare insieme l'alginato di sodio e l'infuso di rosmarino e porre il 'frullato' in un topper. Quindi versare goccia dopo goccia il frullato di rosmarino ed alginato nella soluzione di cloruro di calcio.
Raccogliere il caviale così sferificato e sciacquarlo sotto l'acqua corrente prima dell'utilizzo.

Per le vongole:

1/2 kilo di vongole veraci
100 ml di acqua
1 rametto di rosmarino

Portate a casa le vongole vanno tenute in una soluzione di acqua SALATA, è importante non metterle in acqua dolce, altrimenti le vongole muoio e una volta morte non sono più buone.
Sbattere le vongole una ad una prima di metterle in padella insieme all'acqua ed il rosmarino. Quindi cuocere a fuoco vivace coperte fino per 7 o 8 minuti.
Aperte le vongole, togliere le vulve (salvo tre o quattro per piatto da usare come decorazione) e separare il frutto di mare dall'acqua di cottura. Filtrare con un canovaccio l'acqua di cottura e tenere al caldo.

Per la pasta:

75 grams of spaghetti per person
2 cloves of garlic salt

As announced proceed to cook the spaghetti in a risotto. Put a pot on the fire main mineral water salting. Stands just move the pot to boil on a secondary fire and wait to resume the boil. Meanwhile bring a pan large enough to accommodate the primary focus for a long spaghetti with a ladle of water and two crushed cloves of garlic. Bring to boil the noodles, then cook, being careful that they do not stick to the bottom or edges of always adding the necessary water. Three quarters of the cooking, add water so the clams to dry and salt to taste, with salt and cook al dente.
turn off the heat add a few tablespoons of the chickpeas vigorously jump if necessary adding a little more hot water. Add clams and continue to whisk jumping. The result should be a pasta sauce wrapped in a silky but not sticky.

by focusing Serve the pasta with some clam vulva and sprinkle with a tablespoon of caviar with rosemary.


The ideal pairing with this dish, I think, is a Sicilian wine, a Inzolia pure "White Valguarnera, Duke of Salaparuta . Possibly not the wine market, but a bottle with 2 or 3 years in the cellar. I've served with a 2004 (currently on sale is the 2006).

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Cheap Dog Spay In Dutchess County Ny

Tortelloni stuffed with ricotta, sundried tomatoes and basil on velvety

I told you that for now I'm obsessed with the fresh pasta ... duck my grandmother can not even relax a little, which works is a marvel even if he did yesterday unafaticaccia, has churned out well for the New Year 300 ravioli at a restaurant, when we returned home and was exhausted so I tucked the blankets and I prescribed a few days of rest would not be forzatopromettendole disturbed for quite some time, although to be honest, I think about it the morning of 31 new need her, but not for long, I'm sure he'll understand, I just have to roll out two sheets glistrudel ... and in the name of what binds us, I do not think I will deny your support!! These ravioli I made them a few weeks ago and had been placed in the freezer waiting for the inspiration that he might revive and out of the polar ice ... Yesterday I was avanzata una zucchina da un'altra pasta e vedendola in frigo tutta sola ecco che la mia testa pensa subito aitortelloni....purtroppo le uniche dosi che vi posso dare sono quelle per la pasta all'uovo, tutto il resto è ad occhio
200 g semola di grano duro
100 g di farina 00
3 uova
Impastare, avvolgere l'impasto con la pellicola e lasciare riposare qualche ora in frigo.
Per il ripieno ho usato ricotta (messa a scolare per una notte), pomodori secchi e tanto basilico, I whipped the first tomatoes and basil then I added the cheese ...
For the cream of zucchini:
Blanch the zucchini in lightly salted boiling water, cool and smash it into the cup of blender with olive oil, little water and cooking a drop of the milk back on the heat and adjust salt and pepper.

If you want the soup smoother:
to cook a potato in lightly salted water, when it is almost ready add the zucchini cut into pieces and continue to cook for a few seconds to cool the zucchini, put everything into a glass with oil and then you'll get a simple liquid that will need a thickener, you can also use the the ages and a drop of milk and mix with the blender ... go to a fine sieve and return the cream over low heat until it thickens .... All this because the first cream to make a binder were the fibers of the zucchini, the second one will be removed from the fibers setaccitauraxanthumgum, arrow root, corn, various flours, but the potato is the classic thickener for a smooth and even what to fewer problems: p
I cooked the ravioli in plenty of lightly salted water, I sautéed them in vegetable broth with saffron and extra virgin olive oil, the usual that I do and then put in the freezer and pull out at the time of need and served over creamy ... Happy New Year to all

Thursday, December 17, 2009

How Old Do You Live To With Cystic Fibrosis

Zucchini Pasta Pasta choux

I love puffs, they also eat a pound unseasoned , and in my cakes is almost always a pile of small puffs that surround the flat and that the recall filling the most important sweet .... sometimes I say "them "?... place and then immediately look back because I think maybe it is a preparation so not trivial to interest anyone, but when, around the pastry shops, also well known, and unfortunately I see certain things unspeakable taste, I tell myself that maybe is not as trivial as it sounds .. and even granted the fact of making them good .... and to be honest, the accustomed the restaurant where I work, I often ask for a "you can have two more?"
and I "number two?"
the customer "2 so to speak ... let's say a little " ... being a neutral preparation can be stuffed with cream and fresh cream with salt ... but about sweet, I like a good Palermo, and still holding my dear the teachings of pastry chef Matthew Lonardo, specializes in traditional Sicilian pastries, profiteroles them to do: I will stuffing custard or whipped cream slightly sweetened, for Whip cream and cover a bit of sugar, it heat 5 tablespoons instant coffee and dissolve it and then join the cream alla panna montata, ma non a neve fermissima, mescolo "con le mani", perchè il profiterole alla palermitana si fa con le mani e dentro questa crema tuffo i bignè li copro per bene e li adagio sul piatto, questa copertura non indurirà mai, sarà sempre soffice, e manterrà umido il bignè ...potete aromatizzare la panna anche con del cacao...altra delizia di Palermo son i bignè al caffè del bar Gardenia, farciti con una crema bianca aromatizzata al caffè e velati da un sottile strato di glassa al caffè, anche questa è una glassa che non indurisce and remains brittle, but not hard ... you know something I never take coffee ... but the sweet flavor is my favorite ... is what dampens the tone "too sweet" ... and that creates wonderful contrast with the chocolate ... but we talk about doses:
2 eggs
120 g of water
50 g butter
2 g salt 85 g flour
Turn the oven to 200 ° immediately, it is important that this is very hot at the time of the fire puffs, and cover a baking sheet with parchment paper. Put the butter, water e ilsale in un pentolino e portare ad ebollizione, togliere dal fuoco e unire in un solo colpo tutta la farina, mescolare e quando si sarà assorbita tutta per bene, riportare sul fuoco basso per farla asciugare maggiormente continuando a mescolare, fin quando non si forma una palla e l'impasto non si stacca dalle pareti lasciandole pulite...togliere dal fuoco e incorporare una alla volta le uova, mescolando energicamente , mettere il tutto in un sac a poche con bocchetta liscia o riccia, come preferite, è uguale, e formare tanti piccoli bignè più o meno della stessa dimensione ...importante il sac à poche deve essere tenuto perpendicolare alla teglia e la sua estremità non deve mai pressare il bignè appena formato...con i rebbi bagnati di una forchetta picchiettare delicatamente la superficie dei bignè in modo da appiattire eventuali codette , solitamente questo avviene usando punte liscie ...infornare a 180° per 10 minuti, e quando si saranno gonfiati alzare a 200° per farli colorare...solitamente dopo averli fatti raffreddare li metto subito in surgelatore, e li scongelo qualche minuto prima di usarli....

Monday, December 14, 2009

Spider Babe Movie Clips

who milinciani ... better known as "Norma"

Quest'anno niente arancine per Santa Lucia,
causa mancanza di tempo, causa poca voglia di cucinare almeno per 2 giorni di fila, poca voglia di mettermi a fare frittura profonda e sporcare eternamente delle pentole che non sono mie, allora mi sono detta che forse fare una pasta semplice, tradizional e, sobria come la Norma non sarebbe stata una cattiva idea..una pasta I remember my past, my grandparents in particular that I remember getting up on Sunday morning when we went down to their house and already could feel the smell of sour tomato sauce mixed persistent smell of eggplant chips, the slow boil of " pittinicchi and omelettes in the sauce ".... short Sunday at home, at the time of my grandparents were always accompanied these things all in the sauce .. sauces !!!!! It is already beginning from early morning to Sautee, wash and prepare, but not because there were special guest at my house rule is always to have the kitchen on fire, always with anything that is cooking on the fire ... my grandfather, who complained that giving orders, and my grandmother retorted that ..... my grandfather did not want to think that we were to use 00 flour called "American flour "but in the tradition of southern Italy fact use semolina flour or durum wheat semolina for everything, he wanted that he used even in the crust, but f orse was also correct, the flour is so fragrant and consistent, says the smell of our bread !!!!! So the pasta is made entirely of flour and a few eggs, too typical of southern Italy , and the poor grandmother had to take care that everything was to his grandfather ... but this would storia l'ho già sentita, mi ricorda qualche altra coppia.....bah!!!!!Il nonno metteva le castagne a bollire sulla stufa o a tostare dipende dall'umore per sgranocchiarle nel pomeriggio durante una partitina a carte con me e mio fratello....che beltade !!!!

Così ho deciso di postare questa pasta semplice, ma che forse rappresenta più di tutto il popolo siciliano in toto, perchè la Norma si fa uguale in tutte le parti della regione: salsa di pomodoro, melanzane fritte, basilico, pasta fresca o meno, ricotta salata....con le contaminazioni della cucina Contemporary some do not fry the eggplant and grilled ago: or, or does something that I think changed the nature of the paste that is "do you fry the eggplant in a little oil and then when virtually sn only "stuffed" with almost no color, you add the sauce, however ... so the eggplant loses crispness who instead when fried, and is dispersed in the sauce ... and given that the old long knew: Why vary in a balanced dish worse ???????
I used spaghetti, but not having the guitar (the buy it sooner or later), I cut with a cutter Grandma's duck, but the result is good ...
400 g flour 4 eggs

Mix and let stand overnight in a refrigerator in a sealed bag food.

Cut the eggplant into cubes or slices and fry in seed oil is hot, add salt and keep aside ... comini to prepare the sauce:
a bottle of homemade tomato sauce, we had fortunately Hermes one made by the brother of Manfred
3 fresh tomatoes to give it a rustic touch
1 / 2 chopped onion
1 clove of garlic

extra virgin olive oil 1 small red pepper basil

Click the onion in olive oil over low heat so the onion can "melt" without burning, add chilli and garlic, and after the fresh tomato diced, crush with a fork and when too 'it will be wilted and add the sauce to restrict almost cooked add the basil. When the pasta is almost ready to pass it in the sauce pan, handle, and do the dishes ... but after making the pot grate to strips the ricotta salata, and put on a little bit of fried eggplant ....

...... it is the turtle slow 'jumps at the chance when there is long behind a leaf the way she found there and then, happiness is a lawn of a lake of salad omelette spaghetti to spend the evening with a forest of carrots a sea of \u200b\u200bice cream that she had never seen running too ....... .

Saturday, December 5, 2009

I Cut A Gentil Warts Is It Safe

biovar Today ....

What I started to cook, this was understood, but still I had not given to opening the bakery .. and so little book-the Bible of the fantastic , Such wonderful sisters, and having the need to make a quick bread just to fill the time between one shift and another ... the biovar prorpio a recipe seemed pretty even perc h and the shape was very appealing .. but to tell the truth from the few explanations on the recipe I had not understood the technique of setting the rolls during the rising time, and while I tried a little yeast to fix it as looking on the internet happens to me to hand this beautiful explanation photographed during a course held by the similar person .... the end result was still good even if the shape is a little more elongated, and it is a bread that I recommend you do as it is crisp outside and soft inside ...
500 g flour 00 g water 280

about 20 g yeast 20 g lard

10 g malt but I used honey
8 g of salt
Making the fountain and knead for 10 minutes and beat all ingredients until dough is soft but not sticky dough to rise for 20 ... minutes, I pushed up in the oven for half an hour on the first few minutes at low temperature and then turned off .... divide the dough into two balls and form two lines and then to stretch it with a rolling pin and lay them at this point I recommend to look at the link above .... roll up and roll it again .... and roll them into the sides of the nut to form a barrel .. place them on a large baking dish divided by a flap flap against Twisted floured and compressed at the ends of 2 parcels of flour ... I continued them to rise in the oven for 40 minutes ... after that I removed them and I turned on the oven to 200 °, while the temperature reaches to take the cakes and cut them with a spatula, gently place them on baking tray with the cut facing ' and practice a high of about 1 cm incision with a sharp knife and bake for 25-30 minutes ... wait for it a little chilly and then eat them, I had the good fortune of having fantstico mozzarella bring us a gift from a Neapolitan friend of ours and this is how I devoured a biovar with the mozzarella slices, Sicilian extra virgin olive oil , oregano good harvest of Malta by myself ... a true wonder !!!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sample Wedding Guest Bags

That's love .....

I wonder how people can be persuaded to buy even the packaged and frozen soups, or soups in cans, not I can do anything, is stronger than me, then the packages are superallettanti supersucculente and as if the envelope had to go out all the rigmarole that advertise, and instead? Instead I do not know what's inside that envelope, I do not know what flavor nenache have, maybe even be good, but who knows .... I'd rather let me be me, and it is not a question of time is only a matter will, because if you put the time to find the parking area to the super, click, wait in line to checkout, go back and bla bla bla different, the soup you're already a beautiful made with ingredients that usually take place at home, and if you just need you even when frozen in bags for food ..... and do not tell me that is a matter of time now !!!!!!!! To shorten the time you can use frozen peas, I do it because extemporaneous are usually put a potato in lightly salted cold water to a boil and when the port is almost cooked add some peas, blanch them and I put them in the blender cup, in the same pan fry in a little bit of extra virgin olive oil half an onion cut in case (as it then pureed), the rest join in, add extra virgin olive oil, a ladle of cooking water and blend, add salt and pepper, carryover for a few minutes on the fire by adding a little milk or cream, and cooked, I added the mint ..... I read here and there that some people do fry the onion and peas into the oil I do not think so because lose their bright green and become the same color of dried peas in cream ... I also said above, shaved Parmesan and a crumble made with walnuts:
80 g flour 40 g butter

salt and pepper
6 walnuts
I crumbled and I baked without kneading at 160 ° for a few minutes time to color a little bit ....