Monday, March 14, 2011

How To Get A Pirate Bandana On Club Penguin 2010!

Reconstruction and recovery

Reconstruction. Deadline highly relevant if we think the images and news of the immense disaster in Japan or if we think of L'Aquila and the much-trumpeted reconstruction Berlusconi bertolasiana, Haiti or where there are still shacks Messina earthquake 1908. Rebuilding is a word many uses, ranging from trivial as the nail to the more serious as the reconstruction of a relationship. The dictionary says that reconstruction is the construction of a new structure or the restoration of its integrity , but if there is a reconstruction there will be a precedent. In fact, the opposite of word in question are: destruction, removal, demolition . All terms that give an idea of \u200b\u200bmaterial things, tangible, even with all the senses. The destruction you see, you can hear in the collapse of a building or the rumble of an earthquake, the touch when you're forced to remove the rubble, the smell in the stench of death that it leaves behind, to savor when you eat dust. Yet this is not the destruction that interests me.
Increasingly there is talk of reconstruction and politics. It is used to classify the work of the Berlusconi government, destruction of the rules, the destruction of a social fabric that held up better or worse, public school, the duties of each and of all, and so on. Destruction of the existing to reshape everything to your liking. Hence the abnormal use of the word rebuilding, using students and professors, not least the rector of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa, Maria Chiara Carrozza . Muti speaks of "shameful dark" for the cuts culture. In short, it's all a complain about the destruction and all talk of a reconstruction.
But there is another word that is interesting: reconstitution which is the restoration of an order or feature lost. The union of two actions arising from reconstruction and recovery will bring our country to be admitted again under civil law.

PS Speaking of rebuilding, I forgot.
To my misfortune I suffered four projects to rebuild bone gum, all made with outpatients and three days of each outcome that I have not always complied with returning to work soon. I have not read the medical records of the premier, I would look good not caring about anything in his state of health, indeed, but from what has been known but has not done the same to my speech. Never, never, in the four times that my dentist is a part, I had problems with both cheek on the inside and outside. I never had to wear a patch, than did the intervention Alexander, the dentist gave me an envelope with ice to put on the injured party in order not to inflate it. But is not that sb has done little kids like that for a cut you do put a huge patch, then they can say, "Look what I made!"

How To Hide Caller Id On Cell Phone Rogers

Against deterioration a superhero! The walls

Questo signore - mi pare di qualche paese dell'est - è entrato ufficialmente ai primissimi posti della mia classifica dei superoi antidegrado. E si, perché io, a lanciare le merde di cane non raccolte contro i padroni delle bestiole, ancora non ci sono arrivato. Forse - data la picchiata verticale di ogni forma di civiltà che ha preso questa città - è solo una questione di tempo...
( Cliccare qui per viusalizzare il video tramite feedreader)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Projectile Vomiting Acid Reflux


E per chiudere la settimana in bellezza... beccateve sto (anti)panorama cartellonaro!
Alle Mura Aureliane di Piazza Porta san John, a city in which "normal" should be seen in the background, our administrators have opposed the walls illuminated billboard. At least they will be remembered for something!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Telephone Distance On Cat6?

After the party, seagull woman

A spotlight off the eighth part in March a few little thoughts scattered, they may be of interest. So, by chance, as they come.
-course was different from a March 8 last year, has seen some revival of conscience, and, as usual, we thank SB which is capable of reviving plants now under dry fatal. Events and promises of struggles. We'll see. Of course the situation does not bode well.
-Facebook. Personally I remove the ads from my profile that I did not go well and I ventured to remove even those who proposed to celebrate International Women's Day with romantic dinners, candle light, alternative, with male strippers and other crap and useless frills and harmful . However, I wonder how many women fb goers have done the same? And those boys who say they have done so careful? To you were / are the answer. Then go to the bathroom, if necessary, mirror and take the appropriate action.
-How Not to mention Santa Maria Goretti? I speak to her for not doing more names to my loyal dictate groped to speak as little as possible stories. The little Maria raised to the honors of the altar of the church because, according to them, who died defending her virginity. But the doctors of the Church, popes and cardinals, bishops and priests, it never occurred to me that all these martyrs of virginity were killed just because they were afraid of dying? They do not think that maybe her virginity to and safeguard the "purity" was the last thought? And because it is assumed that combines purity with virginity? Unfortunately, the chance would have it all unfolds in March and did take close to eight different value to things that perhaps would have remained confined only to the news.
-Nuova linfa ha trovato negli ultimi mesi la campagna contro l'utilizzo dell'immagine della donna nelle pubblicità. Un nuovo film presenta questa locandina. Nulla di offensivo, sia chiaro, anche funzionale al film, però mi chiedo perché al posto della signorina non c'è un maschio? Per settimane ho avuto numerose visite solo perché avevo pubblicato il quadro di Courbert "L'origine du Monde", mi chiedo, se avessi pubblicato un quadro di un pene con la didascalia "Il padre del mondo" avrei avuto lo stesso numero di visite indipendenti dai contenuti del blog?
-Questione, termine che può indicare anche una disputa ad alto livello su temi scientifici, politici, culturali or open issues by particular moments of history and civilization . Without going too deep, we can mention the issue of the South, the Palestinian question and, as it was until a few years ago, women's issues. The terms have changed but the substance remains. It's almost come to identify with the term "issue" problems that are difficult if not impossible solution. In fact, the three mentioned tell me what went through. But let us confine ourselves to "women's issues." I always thought that the adjective does not disappear until the question will always remain. The problem is not woman's or beyond. The problem is male.
-Application for a journalist, or conductive non-memory: "His helps her husband at home? ". The person that needs a total re-education. The correct question was:" At home there is a fair division of labor? ". As long as we talk in these terms there will never be equal , until the house is still seen as the realm of women is not going anywhere. How many of you had a gift, not specifically requested, a blender, a kitchen robot, a dishwasher or something useful to the maintenance of the house, accompanied by a stupid smile and the phrase: "Look, I gave you?". How many have sent to that country's partner, husband, boyfriend, father, brother or friend who was? Personally dishwasher Are donated to the ME.
-Always in these days of the Republic on March 1 p.. 25, has been able to read this title "after hours Ladies Hairdressers and gym even after midnight. Boom of the night services. Because the day is not enough", comment seems superfluous, even more so if one of the summaries of the piece is: "According to OECD statistics men can count on 83 minutes of freedom in most of their companions .
-There will always be the woman question whether advertising will continue to apply to women only as potential buyers of certain products. Only recently, in fact, women are the protagonists of the campaigns of self-made car, otherwise you should just take care of curly hair, long, split ends, cellulite, defecatory function of the inevitable, of wrinkles, socks and bras, panties, bags or purses, skirts and pants, Pet of the House (Think about it, our friends in the advertising deal primarily with women except the big dogs are male prerogative), health-here too often sees the subordinate role of women involved to care for man complainer, gymnastics because you always have to be beautiful and thin women to your sons, intent on heat already cooked dishes such as your work of haute cuisine or dispense sorbets commerciali a parenti ed amici e basta così perché il post si allungherebbe oltre misura.
-Ma non contenti, tutti - maschi e femmine- facciamo passare le quote rosa anche nei management industriali così come sono passate in politica. Anche questa norma, salutata con clamore degno di miglior causa, la trovo deleteria e discriminante per le stesse donne. Garantire il posto solo perché la candidata è donna mi fa venire in mente quello che è successo in politica. Una domanda, come al solito: "Senza andare indietro nel tempo, ma la Marcegaglia o la Bindi hanno avuto bisogno delle quote rosa per diventare quello che sono?". Il problema, oltre ad un diffuso maschilismo, è che occorrerebbe more control over the ability of candidates, regardless of gender, to hold certain positions and do not find, in future, at all costs a female candidate. Quality above all, by women and men. Some might argue that there is some hidden sexism in these positions. Having had in my career, and several women as head Having found better with them than with boys, the prosecution would leave me completely indifferent.
-One of the most used phrases of spoken language is: "You are a dickhead." That sentence is not only relevant, active or passive, of the males but also women. If you think about it is not an offense, is the fact that "dickhead" is a mental state that transcends genres. And 'the proof that someone thinks the same mechanisms of the organ in question, blood flow and mechanical reaction. It is essential to the operation of the gray matter.

Intentionally I did not inquire too deeply in the appearance of the theoretical question.

here the post for 8 March 2009.