Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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School, newspapers, new media, everything is under the ax of the ruler, in Italy as in the world. All capaci di lamentarsi della mancanza di democrazia negli altri paesi ma nessuno che torni sui propri passi per aumentare la democrazia in casa propria. Mi ha fatto un certo effetto vedere in televisione il delegato cinese all'Onu che vota le sanzioni per la Libia e difende il suo paese dove i diritti civili non è che siano al primo posto dell'agenda politica dei governanti.
Ieri, con un'amica di feisbuc, è venuta fuori una banalità molto vera. Spesso c'è sempre qualcuno che dice le stesse nostre cose ma con più acume, bravura, saggezza e altro ancora. E, sempre con i miei voli arditi, congiungo il tutto con un libro che qualche mese fa è stato su tutte le prime pagine dei giornali e nelle trasmissioni televisive, a book that many were quick to say that it was dangerous, misleading and taken lightly as the embers. Now, reading over and digested, I can say that this book may be afraid of those who are uneducated, with a guilty conscience or who has the pleasure of keeping the people in ignorance. To say that the book might confuse even more true from false to say he wrote without reading the reviews, and, unfortunately, happens often. From that book I took and slightly modified the track public.

- ... But there is something that will work for students? In Italy, students are important, are hot-headed to be monitored.
-is: "When we will be in power, remove all materials from educational programs that might upset the spirit of youth, and will reduce them to be obedient to the children, who love their ruler. Instead of studying the classics and ancient history, which contain more bad than good examples, we study the problems of the future. From memory erase the memory of men of past centuries, which could be unpleasant for us. With educational methods we will remove residue that independence of thought which we used for our purposes for a long time ... Above the books with less than three hundred pages will get a double tax, and these measures will force the writers to publish works so long that will have few readers. Instead, we publish the works cheap to educate the public mind. The tax will lead to a re-education literature fun, and anyone who want to stick with his pen would be a publisher. "
As for newspapers the plan provides a fictitious press freedom, which serves the greater control of opinion. .. . need to acquire the largest number of periodicals, so that apparently express different opinions, so as to give the impression of a free circulation of ideas, when in fact all reflect the ideas of the rulers ... "Of course you will prohibit any newspaper to give notice of crimes because the people believe that the new regime has suppressed even delinquency. But the constraints of the press does not have to worry unduly because the press is free or not the people do not realize it either, as it is chained to jobs and poverty. What need has the proletarian worker that the talkers get the right to yammer? "


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