Sunday, March 6, 2011

Craigslist Beer Signs

Italy to stop. Nothing more.

we approach the spring season of events and a dense, it never stopped. We start from February 13 and the protest of women with men to the decay of manners and morals to get a symbolic embrace of the Colosseum, the pseudo-holiday women's eight in March, the general strike of the CGIL, the myriad of events to a greater or lesser taking place and will be held on home soil, not to mention the efforts of 150 years of the Republic. A whole show from right to left without, with a little 'controversy, that changes nothing, in fact.
I had written a few days ago, the general strike when we will see if he was exhausted by the controversy the case to do so before, whether it was better not to, long, short, to the bitter end, with arms, without arms, with flags, no banners, participating or staying at home with the candy bar made in person or bought one, with water as smooth or crisp, with red or white wine and more. On this controversy has spilled some 'gas Ferrero: " The decision of the general strike by the CGIL is a first result, but totally inadequate for the times and quantities. We need a mobilization of 8 hours, but also against the government against Confindustria, which is implementing the scheme Marchionne to all productive sectors. The 8-hour strike in May should be the culmination of a strong social mobilization because this is the attack that the government and employers are developing against the workers ". I leave it to each visitor of the night left the considerations phrases Ferrero, whether right, wrong, appropriate or not. My say that, apart from the merits, it seems the release of a politician who does not know which way to turn to get some 'space and then, as usual, better do some' controversy at home artifact rather than to chain under the Rai or Mediaset to have the same space of the other political movements. But, this also eliminated chores, I still have a question, would be more than one but I can not dwell, is Sunday for me too. But all this fuss for four, eight, twelve hours, twenty-four hours with no travel or travel, this go to all demonstrations against the government, against all that is possible to contest that will give fruit? In these times there was much talk of North Africa and the "revolutions" that are taking place there, that revolutions do not know which way to go for a long time, if the future will be better or worse, that we condemn this, if after a shah is a ; ayatollah, a king after a dictator, a dictator after a democracy. But not wriggling. The question, simply stated, is: We can not do anything for our country? We must limit to protest a day and in the manner established canons for a limited time? But we do pay for the occupation of public land? Everybody talks about the revolution of Facebook and Twitter, but why can not we do likewise? Because after le manifestazioni finisce sempre con una pizza e non si continua fino alla caduta di Berlusconi? Il tutto non prevede l'uso di armi o violenza, l'Italia si fermi. Nulla di più. Se ne vada in una delle sue tante ville come ha più volte detto di voler fare. Ci lasci in pace, non ci ammorbi ancora con i suoi problemi e con i suoi tentativi di stravolgere le regole della Repubblica.
Volendo, lo potremmo fare.


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