Monday, February 28, 2011

Plans For Lobster Boat

Taking the piss out of the temporary parking

won the election, Alemanno, bowing to a ruling of the TAR, and without presenting any application, introduced the so-called "white lines", or free parking with a maximum stay of three hours through the requirement to display a parking disc.
said at the time , our newly elected Mayor: "He was right of center-right opposition to support the unfair nature of the regulation of parking." And so it was.

I wonder if the mayor already knew that this new parking management would have been the odd joke scureggiona Roman.
And yes, because no one has ever observed the exposure time of the disc, it 'much less than the maximum stay of three hours and nemmai was established a policy of control and sanctions on this devastating phenomenon that has made whole streets remittances car, left to rust for months and years. As evidence, the photos reproduced here show, at regular intervals, the same car, without a permit for residents, abandoned for eight months on the white stripes of a side street quartiere Pinciano - Via Tartaglia, per l'esattezza - senza che questa, né le molte altre che sostano lì a tempo indeterminatissimo, siano mai state sanzionata in alcuna maniera.

Cartoon Sprite Sheets

The cemetery because I'm pissed off: Because ...

-two newspapers attach the alleged diary of Mussolini or his writings.
-two directors of a single paper we have explained that pulls Mussolini editorially and if we add that was blowing, as legend has it, in another sense we can make all the parallels we want as we do for years.
-if I want to eat I am a yogurt a patient who does not take calcium, which has high cholesterol, wrong body, I pellagra and scurvy, dysentery and vitiligo, as if eating yogurt would solve all the physical problems, economic and existential.
-alpine another died in Afghanistan and continue to be called "peace mission".
-of everything that happens in Africa and the Middle East, we only worried about immigration, illegal or not, for us it makes no difference. Just ask the living conditions of asylum seekers as the former Somali Embassy in Rome, perhaps in a detention center (or whatever they're called now) would be better off.
-Palestine is no longer news, and the Israelis continue to make them comfortable.
-we are inundated with polls that give us sb almost certain loser winner and then find they have not been able to develop a project uniting the political forces and appealing to voters.
-Roma once again became reinstall, and fortunately we drew.
-the Portsmouth lost to Torino.
-Vecchioni is making the rounds of the seven churches in television as a winner of Sanremo, not that I give a damn anything, but ...
-it does nothing concrete to send home every day sb offends a category and all Italians.
-to make a general strike is expected that we actually sodomized the public square.
-quando si farà questo sciopero generale saremo così sfiancati dalle discussioni se farlo o meno che nessuno scenderà in piazza.
-purtroppo scenderemo in piazza lo stesso perché non possiamo fare a meno di esprimere tutto il nostro sdegno per le condizioni di questo Paese.
-ora ricomincerà l'orgia di chiacchiere sul caso della piccola Yara e, come già sentito, i paragoni con l'omicidio di Sarah.
-certi personaggi in cerca di facile pubblicità si introducono nelle case altrui senza che poi vengano introdotti in una cella.
-le pubblicità di Fiorello saranno anche carine, ma sentite 25 volte al giorno rompono li cojoni anche ai sordi e ai ciechi;
-tempo  fa I wrote a post where I remembered Bokassa, Amin Dada and other dictators but I censurai because it seemed that I had taken too far and now I find a page dedicated to them of the Republic, appear more revolutionary
-Romiti Dragons and that many members of the center-left.
Vendola-I do not understand and I can not trust him, I would buy a used car but at the moment, it would vote no.
-it is not clear if the primaries are all well and good always wins, or only when the candidate of the Democratic Party.
-still die for trivial reasons, whether a compliment to a girl or a dispute between fans, the beautiful years when everything was resolved with a fistfight.
-write the same things.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

What Makes Red Blemishes Disappear

Alemanno and the discovery of the former Somali embassy

E così il sindaco Alemanno ha scoperto l'esistenza di un'ex-ambasciata somala abbandonata nel cuore di Roma, dove, un numero imprecisato di disperati vivevano in condizioni drammatiche . E ha anche scoperto che, suddetta ex-ambasciata, fosse una terra di nessuno, con tutta la microeconomia del disagio e dell'illegalità che ne consegue nell'area circostante. Eppure, al nostro Sindaco, sarebbe bastato leggersi le local pages of the major national newspapers the last few years, or take a stroll in the blogosphere Romana to discover that the issue is very old date. But not possible to require that the mayor knows everything that happens in Rome, much less what he says some bloggers whose sole interest is the decency and respect for the law of the city where he lives?

Saturday, February 26, 2011

What Do Labs Do For You In Biology

Other than the north wind

Because the two video films of the Taviani brothers?
Why I'm not going to write about Libya and the revolt of the Arab world.
Why I'm not going to write to Italy and Italians who do not raise their heads.
Why I'm not going to get back on 150 years of the Unification of Italy.
Why I'm not going to return the value of ideas.
Why I do not like and that is enough.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Ow To Get Onto Tech Deck Live

I would write something ironic, satirical. Instead, I run so much that I'm freezing to Italy, but winds from the north.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Answers For Population Genetics And Evolution Lab

crosses, if thou hast liver!

Crosswalk of Via Ulisse Aldrovandi in front of the entrance to Villa Borghese. Here, mothers with children, elderly, athletes, cyclists, families, people with disabilities through to reach the park. This crossing should be a kind of monument to the safety of pedestrians and, instead, the ghost and pedestrian crosswalks at the "wall" on a road with high sliding car and continuing violation speed limits, make us understand a little bit 'of everything this city where every action - even the most modest - has become a test of courage.

Measles Affect Menstrual

Eroi oltre i confini - Foto della inaugurazione

on the site of the Friuli a photo gallery of the exhibition Heroes beyond dedicated to Giulio De Vita.
satisfaction of the artist (and curators), but above all a recognition of the city to a talented comic.

Black And Lime Green Suits

But then, because the center-left did not win?

As usual, she got up the dog against Berlusconi, against his attitude toward that funny guy with Gaddafi. Histrionic chameleon and the attitude of the Italian premier and diplomacy, not the noise, I call him but he did not say anything, we must act, act with moderation, better him than Al Qaeda, then if we bomb? and other positions will come out. On one are constant: the danger immigration.
That rise up against the high lai Silvio now is normal, however he does nothing to prevent it, in fact, in my opinion has to feel like wolves howl in the desert barking the moon. But it is not nanoscurodellademocrazia that troubles me sleep, to be honest I did not even disturbs what I'm going to write. Everywhere you go in the net is someone who swears, curses and jokes about sb, honestly there are those who analyze and try and posed a serious argument. In bars and gossip from the street are increasingly those who keep their distance, in Sanremo have been stripped my hands to clap Benigni (do not tell me that there was bipartisan or spit in both eyes), the demonstrations outside the court in Milan, there were four men and women (the cats smarter, there were not) and do not swear that they were not hired. Sunday 13 major events in women and men, participated strikes, which surveys the damage down, etc.. They should all be symptoms of an impending crisis, at least in the country since the parliament proceeds apace, even in time of battle,

the sale of dignity. The famous question was and is: Then why the center-left did not win?
If you want to save you the answers, I think I know them. But if you write to urge them are welcome.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Decorating Ideas For A 18 Years'old Party

Stam as in Uganda

Lens current, and is the best photo blog of The New York Times .
This post has been dedicato alla campagna elettorale in Uganda (per scorrere le immagini mettere il cursore sulla foto e cliccare sulle frecce). A parte il colore della pelle, non notiamo qualche similitudine con la situazione romana nel vedere ogni superficie utile spalmata con affissioni di bei faccioni sorridenti di politici tanto locali quanto nazionali? E chissà se, anche dalle loro parti, la classe politica si auto-condona, in maniera bipartisan , le multe comminate per centinaia di migliaia di euro per le campagne di affissioni illegali al costo equivalenti di un'abbondante piatto di zuppa di banane ...

Paint Colours With Shaker Cream Kitchen

MUST contentment

small joys of life.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What To Expect At A Salon Interview

The wreckers on Palmiro Togliatti, a story that can not be more Roman

Ricevo e inoltro:


La mia segnalazione riguarda l'ennesima schifezza che questa città deve purtroppo subire supinamente.

Alla stregua dei cartellonari, dei capodannari ecc. c'è un'altra categoria di incivili intoccabili a Roma: quella degli sfasciacarrozze. Calcutta e Il Cario (con tutto il rispetto per le due città belle quanto caotiche) ci fanno un baffo. Gli autodemolitori sulla Palmiro Togliatti all'altezza di via dei Romanisti si sono appropriati dello spartitraffico centrale ormai diventato terra di conquista, situazione mai verificatasi dall'esistenza del viale fino ai giorni nostri. Le foto non sono il massimo perchè scattate dalla macchina durante il tragitto casa lavoro, infatti mi sono guardato bene considerati i soggetti in questione dal riprendere apertamente certi pittoreschi scorci.

Sottolineo e ribadisco l'assurdità della presenza di tali "esercizi" in quella zona, a ridosso del parco di Centocelle in un'area ormai consolidata. Insomma, una cosa che può esistere solo a Roma. Il 7° gruppo dei vigili urbani di Roma, da me contattati, hanno promesso di inviare una volante in zona sottolineandomi l'annosità del problema. In my second call, you are more or less pulled out a statement saying that we must make as many local residents have already done before. Maybe a couple more calls to 0667694970 could make a positive contribution to the matter.
Greetings and hope to make it more livable and mostly neglected our beautiful city.

Dear Mark,

what we do bombs in the heart of the environmental capital of Italy? This we can not know it but, December 31, 2011, the wreckers should be relocated definitely high population density areas of Rome. Use the conditional tense because, thanks to a system of extensions, this deadline is constantly moved.
Raise, then, another problem that is becoming increasingly common. That is, the Municipal Police unable to resolve any situation, the complaint raised by reporting any citizen. Everything - and I tried on my skin - it ends in a series of "we can not do anything about it," "we know the problem but ..."," we will intervene, "" make a statement. " Yet you did not ask who knows what, but only that compliance with the rules of the road. Actually even this simple complaint (the ABC of Municipal Police Officer!) it is becoming impossible? What prevents him from going from our masters car breakers and say "look here and you can not stand if we find here again taking the penalties? Fear? Bureaucracy? Interest?
Here, solving this Gordian knot between citizens and police, would be a good place where our mayor could leave her when she thinks of the future rome 225.


Birthday Cake Designs Barbell And Plates

There are too many topics to write about ...

Monday, February 21, 2011


pedestrian square Hungary: la battaglia continua!

Below is the email received from a reader always on the pedestrian square Hungary installed the night between 13 and 14 January ( here and here the other post). It happens that on this disgrace of the Second Municipality, is raising a small body of opinion (there are three, no?). A shame because, apparently, our reader's complaint - sent to bill-posting service records, Police Station, Town Hall II, Rome Mayor and Councillor responsible - has not received after a month, even a poor response. So now, I make a step further: the recently installed pedestrian have the straw that broke the camel's back. The scandal is the pedestrian all who are in a square where, now, it's almost impossible to get on the sidewalk for a person to their full capacity to think a child or a disabled person. The entire area must be completely drained. Point.

And now the results of our reader:


attend the parish of St. Robert Bellarmine of Hungary's Square and I noticed that a few weeks ago, they have installed new signs in 'central island of the square. I wrote an email message to the relevant departments, but for now, no answers are still there ... and pedestrian

From: **********

Date: January 23, 2011 16:49

Subject: Square pedestrian Hungary


Cc:, davide.bordoni @,

Dear Office Report,

for this report - as per attached photo - the installation of two pedestrian signs on the night of 13 and Jan. 14 in the pitch angle side of the central Piazza Ungheria Viale Romania.

I note that the two billboards were installed in complete disregard of traffic rules, of Resolution 37/2009 (Municipal Regulations laying down the rules on advertising and public display of posters) and restoration of order on the road.

Pursuant to municipal December 31, 2009 has been ordered to date for the installation of the advertising in Rome until the City Council adopted the new plan on Breaded Advertising.

I due parapedonali riportano le seguenti targhette identificative n. 0079/BA378/P (oppure B) e n. 0079/BA379/P (oppure B) e i dati trascritti sono assolutamente incompleti, dato che indicano unicamente il codice identificativo, oltretutto con una a parte oscurata. Fra l'altro non vi viene specificato l'ufficio comunale che approva l'installazione, né il luogo in prossimità del quale sono stati autorizzati.

Probabilmente alcune norme sopra riportate possano essere inesatte o riportate in maniera non puntuale, non essendo una competente sulla materia. Ho acquisito un minima cultura sull'argomento "impianti abusivi" last year, given the dramatic situation in Rome and the municipalities that more frequent (Second and Third) victims were from companies that dealers have used any space available to install equipment of every shape and workmanship, so as to prevent even the easy walking or crossing intersections in minimum security status.

The two plants are reported to me a small percentage of the number of pedestrian area surrounding the central square of Hungary, now become almost completely fenced and inaccessible to citizens.

The guarantee of a removal guaranteed in 48 hours as the Councillor responsible, I address my cordial greetings,
Email signed

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Large Heart Shaped Cookie Sheet


Coordination Blogs against deterioration, together with Other Blogs Civic Romans, who wrote and sent an open letter to the Chairman of Tod's SpA, dr. Diego Della Valle, to thank him for his sponsorship for the restoration of the Coliseum and for help in overcoming the many types of deterioration that raged throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe Fori Imperiali.

- COORDINATION OF BLOG against deterioration (cartellopoli, degradoesquilino , propuproma , Reclaim roma, romafaschifo )

Hair Stylist Numb Feet

A post-tailed cat

Yesterday I wrote a post not bad, one of those places that when you have finished writing give you satisfaction, one of those posts that would not have said no and all of whom sarebbero lamentati per la lunghezza. Ma il post è bello e interessante, lo dico io senza tema di smentita perché l'ho letto solo io, infatti sono riuscito a cancellarlo dal computer. Anni fa, al lavoro, persi una tabella Excel piena di formule di calcolo, nella vecchia sede del giornale ancora si odono gli echi delle urla di un Gap incazzato, nemmeno i ghostbuster sono riusciti a disinfestare il luogo.
Quindi non leggerete di come ho dipanato la matassa partendo dai tre anni di questo blog e dai 475 post scritti, di cui qualcuno assolutamente inutile,  che fanno una media di quasi un post ogni 2,5 giorni. Post lunghi, lunghissimi, mai brevi salvo rarissime eccezioni, discettazioni politiche a non finire, heart attacks in the country that are proving true, stories, sinanche a novel or short story long. Commitment worthy of a better cause and a fixed monthly fee. Nor do you know the analysis of visits and page views that so many bloggers do not even know ingrillare of that / those bloggers who were moved to read, they could not do without it, and suddenly disappear into thin air without an explanation swallowed / and the network where you are lost find their way and without the strength to come back among us. Maybe you should call the Agency Alfa and Nathan Never. And not even know how it is spent by friends / bloggers that the witch of Robin Hood and the Sheriff of Nottingham through and Ignazio La Giorgia Meloni Russia and the enjoyment of seeing them standing to clap their hands to get Benigni then to the unification and the emergence of nations, wars of conquest and a few for the many revolutions, the revolutions never advocated by the poor classes, but always by a rich enlightened bourgeois or noble, the red flag, vivid and blood, and black flag of anarchy which is also "the color of a ... inconsolable sadness." For memories of love and ardor of youth never forget that not prevent me from even picking up a black flag. Flying, at a safe distance, even Sanremo, rhetoric and patriotism, the humor and irony, Benigni and Luke and Paul, not to mention the two joyous, it is time to stop offending geese. And how could I ignore whoremongers and whores? Finally, to close with generosity, solidarity , the interference of religion (all) in the lives of men, dignity and choices, and to pull myself up, my two cats.

A guy goes to the barber, sits in his chair and was immediately surrounded by the white crisp sheets. This system, rests his head and when asked the barber "How do you do your hair this month?" seraphic calm and answered: "A cat's tail." The astonished barber lo guarda e dopo un po' ribatte: "E come sarebbero?", "Sicuramente meglio di quelli a cazzo di cane del mese scorso".

Friday, February 18, 2011

Bathtub Refurbish Kit


Ora che Fini è sceso dal pero, quali strade ci si aprono? Quali mete irraggiungibili si avvicinano?

L'italiano è infido, bugiardo, vile, traditore, si trova più a suo agio col pugnale che con la spada, meglio col veleno che col farmaco, viscido nella trattativa, coerente solo nel cambiar bandiera a ogni vento ...
Umberto Eco, Il cimitero di Praga , Bompiani

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What Is Hydrocodone With Acetaminophen?

Le cabine telefoniche: archelogia del degrado

I receive and despatch
Hello, I just started to read your blog. On the one hand I appreciate very much your work, the other is sad to note that, given the inaction of the true political blogs Romans are among the few places where you hear about what really keeps our city.

I write for a report on the skeleton of a phone booth cordoned off, no equipment, under these conditions for months at number 585 in front of Via Tuscolana. I wrote last month at City Hall X (@ ld.municipio10 and AGCOM (which monitors the program booths by Telecom), and tried unsuccessfully a contact e-mail to Telecom. For now, nothing. I do not know if you have any advice.

Needless to say, in addition to useless appliance as it is, the visual impact is very bad, and I'm sure that soon we will find the car covered in stickers and posters ..

Good luck and keep it up!

Dear Antonio,

you raise, with your report, a problem that is affecting all telephone booths in Rome: archaeological technology, given the mass diffusion of mobile telephony, reduced to a monument of decay and abandonment. But the footings of steel in the pavement and stuffed it left out cold, hard, are we really sure they are safe? We would also discuss the 'ecosystem' that was around the phone booth. The all-in-one "as he calls it the better it is too silent the Post-Rome : posters, boxes smashed, no surface left free from some form of self- abusiva, il simulacro di un cestino della spazzatura con cartacce buttate ai suoi piedi... mi fermo qui perché poi andiamo fuori tema.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Personalized Gun Cleaning Kit

L'uscita della metropolitana di Piazza Re di Roma e un piccolo pensiero al cittadino romano

Nelle immagini riprodotte a sinistra possiamo ammirare come è ridotta l'uscita della metropolitana di piazza Re di Roma. Poi, adesso, potrei lanciare indignati anatemi contro quell'assessore con delega al decoro che andava a Shanghai invece che pensare alla città e al Sindaco che sta già a fare il ministro del prossimo governo e all'AMA che è piena di raccomandate bone come il pane e ai responsabili di Metroroma they look Youporn during working hours and the Municipal Police, which is not even capable of winning respect front of his command. But this time, a little thought and a heartfelt mortaccitua I would spend the first and only perpetual generator of urban decay: the Roman citizen.

Miosotis On A Swing Set

Il cantiere Fantasma di Porta Pinciana

happens that a few months ago, with great rapidity, is mounted on a scaffold Aurelian Walls at Porta Pinciana. See something that
happens, I say, believing in a work of restoration of the wall that connects Piazzle Brazil on Via Vittorio Veneto.
was my wishful thinking: the construction site, after installation of the scaffolding, was abandoned and weeds and trash accumulate in fenced areas. Moreover, nowhere seems to notice the state table works.

Nowadays, the only activity worthy of note is the rapid recycling of the enormous publicity that overhang the arches.
I know that there is a municipal decision making invalidate the tax relief when you were SFOR, for scaffolding in the center of Rome, the period of nine months. This scaffolding sforerà the period specified? And if so, maybe it will be because it is more convenient to display a poster in a position of honor than any relief granted? Of course the lack of a work table was little help to clarify matters. I also think that laughter glaring if the City to pay for the maintenance of the structure ...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Big Lots Ready Set Room

crowded but we are weird, let's face it.

Sempre più strange country. Until a few months ago, the left (in its broad and undefined sense) was the repository of all sexual perversions is the place to bring together those sexual behaviors that were not covered in the canons of culture Italiot bigoted and backward. On the left, then, whores and whoremongers, lesbians and gays, trans, sodomites, pedophiles and all that you want. We were without morals, sexual freedom invoke and praise led us to be the outcasts of society.
Now, in order to justify the prime minister and his alleged misconduct with minors and his moral conduct, we have become moralistic, bigoted and backward. In practice reversing the roles are just screaming. Shoot big, say it loud and often and become a truth. If it were true (until proven otherwise has not yet been convicted even if the mere fact of being suspected it would have to persuade to take off from cojoni, which would have had to do for some time as he led the public affairs) b. has committed two offenses, in this case, it must be tried and convicted if the case.
But to hear the center-right, everything is a huge conspiracy to attack b., these red and magistrates have so much power that never failed to condemn the accused. For a very simple fact, he is stronger and has made the laws to his convenience. Any magistrate takes a stand against b. automatically becomes a red gown without worrying if you have worked well or less well.
If the light of the foregoing, we venture to speak of Italy as a country that is slipping down the ladder of democracy, we are accused of defaming Italy. But go across the world press because he was suspected of being a frequenter of prostitutes, including minors, is not something that shames us, indeed we should be happy because he would embody the myth of Italian fucker. The thing is repulsive.
doubt I'll be happy to take away when you come back, even judicially, but, as said many times, I would prefer which was defeated on the political level, I'd be happy if he could pass a policy different alternative to a center-right which has ignored the needs of the country because they committed to protect your head.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Colored Pyramid Stud Belts

Eroi oltre i confini

It opens Friday at 18 19.00 hours at the new Gallery of Contemporary Art in Pordenone PARK the show Heroes beyond dedicated to the work of French Giulio De Vita .
The exhibition, whose curator is with Salvatore Oliva, will be accompanied by a small catalog.
The exhibition is curated by the study DreossiCrea.

Buggy Frame Plans Free

Quando si dice il controllo del territorio

Peddler abusive glasses tarot in Piazza San Marco. Just to see where we are: the right of the dealer's Piazza Venezia, the namesake behind them Palace, in front of the altar of the homeland and have, after the gardens that line the Via del Teatro Marcello, no more than 200 meters as the crow flies, is clearly visible, the Capitol.

Gay Cruising Pittsburgh

After the excitement, reflection

Italy country of orgies. Media, and carnal windbag. Orgy of pessimism, victimization, optimism, and all other "isms" that you can think of, then to return to the orgy of insults.
leopard frog
Like a frog jumper, pass over to Berlusconi Gelmini, Ferrara (easy joke: you reflected on the theater where he made the manifestation of underwear? Dal Verme. In nomen omen. I did not want to do, but since I have not read anywhere throw it in there) and more. Of course, beautiful and participatory event, the model correctly predicted the "spread", over 200 cities in Italy and around the world, not concentrated, but not all gold that glitters. And so as not to lose enamel'm going to put his finger on and shed a bit 'of salt, because the pain keeps us awake and alert. For too long there has been lulled into illusions and then to demonstrate for us the obvious, obvious words and also having to explain why the obvious is no longer of this nation, our history and our culture.
Yesterday I saw everything from elderly couples who took to the streets to which lacked only the oxygen tank, a little girls thrilled that, thanks to their parents, they asked, wanted to know and do not participate as goats to graze. I saw something that reminded me of the metropolitan Indians. I saw the Old feminists, those with white scarves and those with red scarves. I have seen and read many many women have seen many signs and slogans, more or less homemade. And it is from them that I would leave.
so happens that the slogan carries the logo of my former newspaper. I repeat, is a case but I can not help it. That "Love is free" is misleading and does not endorse. Love is not never free, is a sexist concept. Shit but I must say that I am a man? Love means paying a price for his ego, male or female. It means to give space to another that becomes part of your life, and this costs. It 's free for husbands and fathers masters to whom everything is due. For those who have respect for the coast, sometimes as much.
Yesterday, in many copies, circulated the photo of Berlusconi behind bars, you can see the enlarged view. I found it useless, politically damaging because it undermines the value of the latter. Personally I do not show to watch the national Silvio behind bars. They are made of justice and his concern and I per questo. Non mi interessa sconfiggere il premier mandandolo in galera. Mi interessa batterlo con delle proposte alternative che diano fiato e speranza a questo Paese. Andare in giro con quel cartello è dare un alibi alla destra, "Cercate la soluzione giudiziaria alla vostra sconfitta".
E' vero, ieri si è visto qualcosa di diverso. Gli uomini alla manifestazione delle donne, come invitati e parte attiva. La cosa non mi rende particolarmente felice. Negli anni '70, quando le femministe tenevano ai margini i maschi per intenderci, alle manifestazioni c'erano gli uomini, camminavano sui marciapiedi e non nel corteo, e erano più di quello che si è sempre pensato. Mi chiedo dove erano, tutti i maschi che ieri sono scesi in piazza, negli 70? If they had fought with women 40 years ago, maybe we made some more step toward true equality of rights between men and women.
to close. Many women are now being carried out and cited as inspiring the women's movement, 40 years ago would have been kept at the margins by the same feminists. Should we not reflect on this issue?

Here an interesting analysis of the male.

Yesterday we attended choir practice, but we missed the performance.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Free Ed Hardy Birthday Invitations

The man who did not speak to women in a harem of

Sure you can reach the contentment with little. He had only to sit in a square and turn head and eyes so you can look for more and better. That domenica per lui era speciale e non sapeva quanto speciale fosse per tutti gli altri che affollavano la piazza. Seduto sulla panchina guardava, era l'unica cosa che sapesse fare bene, guardare, scrutare, analizzare ogni minimo particolare di quelli che gli passavano davanti. In fondo era una persona semplice, si accontentava di poco ed era anche una persona sensibile e dall'innamoramento facile. Era sempre innamorato, anche più volte in un'ora. Sempre rosso in viso per l'emozione, sempre con il cuore tambureggiante, sempre con gli occhi pieni di donne. Beh, quella domenica il suo cuore correva seri rischi.
Piazza del Popolo è piena fino all'inverosimile, uomini, bambini e tante, tantissime donne, non sa più dove guardare. Oh, is tall, curly brunette and that? Small, light and with long hair. Does not escape a particular. Preferred the face and hands, were the things he liked more, but did not disdain all the rest, boobs, legs and butt. Whose hands, so long as the hair, that beautiful! He 's happy, some smiles at the height of happiness and he gets up, bows and returns the salute in its own way. This event like, nobody says nothing, as in some other securing it, the other to him, and then maliciously asked him "Fuck you looking at?" He would like to respond, but it is not capable, then looks down and silent. There is more than that.
arm around his shoulders and a quiet voice asks "What happened?", A shake of his head like a big dog and just returned the smile. They are beautiful women, these women, not like those ladies where his friend takes him a few times a month. They are beautiful too, but do not smile, do not give him even a caress. The jump on seven or eight times after doing so and strip it all ends there. Without a word, a smile, a caress. When he comes out and sees the face of the friend must also pretend to be happy, otherwise he was hurt. Let me be clear, he does not mind going to see the girls, but not the best. Watch and think "I am many." One approaches, smiles while a little hand caresses his face, "How are you and 'long time no see. Beautiful day, is not it? At least you're happy."

Friday, February 11, 2011

Conditional Agreement Of Purchase And Sale Car


It must be said that the event next Sunday is something the grade, not what you think about it, but some mind and some body that will drag reluctant to Piazza del Popolo to say that with this bad habit is no longer possible go ahead and bla bla bla, no point in repeating things said and written by all / the often vain and cloning the right and misses.
yesterday, maybe because I did not want to do anything else, I was surrounded by a harem feisbucchiano where he preaches when, how, why and who to go to the event delle donne. Nel corso dello scambio di opinioni serie, che poi sono passate anche al faceto, è venuto fuori un nome, dalle brume che coprono certi spicchi di memoria, che immagino sia sconosciuto alle/ai più giovani, ad essere buoni, Aleksandra Michajlovna Kollontaj. Chi non la conosce ne approfitti per farsi un minimo di cultura, come al solito non dico di più. E d'altronde non è per far conoscere la Kollontaj che scrivo queste inutili righe, ma partendo dal suo nome penso che si possa trovare una ragione comune per partecipare alla manifestazione.
Di certo io e tantissime altre persone non parteciperemo perché c'è Conci e le altre damazze, come sono state chiamate da una frequentatrice del gineceo, ma perché portatori infetti di idee antiche, ma, se ci mettiamo nei panni delle più giovani ci rendiamo conto che esse non hanno conosciuto la Kollontaj, né Rosa Luxemburg, e, senza andare troppo indietro, nemmeno la Jotti (ok, basta con la lettura delle lapidi).  Sarebbe il caso di chiedersi come mai le nuove leve non conoscano questi nomi, le loro lotte  e le loro vite. Altri sono gli esempi che hanno avuto, nel bene(?) e nel male. Forse se approfittassimo dell'occasione  per ripassare e far conoscere il nostro passato potremmo dare qualche strumento in più per affrontare la "questione femminile".
Ancora due parole e poi la smetto. Da giorni non si fa altro che portare come esempio Berlusconi's culture program Drive In, conspiracy and sennopoisti are busy and write and talk excessively without calculating a small figure. At the time the transmission was appreciated by all, few, and few were those who warned that the message sent. Too easy to talk about evil without contextualization. Moreover extrapolate historical facts and bend them to their needs is a very popular sport.