A post-tailed cat
Yesterday I wrote a post not bad, one of those places that when you have finished writing give you satisfaction, one of those posts that would not have said no and all of whom sarebbero lamentati per la lunghezza. Ma il post è bello e interessante, lo dico io senza tema di smentita perché l'ho letto solo io, infatti sono riuscito a cancellarlo dal computer. Anni fa, al lavoro, persi una tabella Excel piena di formule di calcolo, nella vecchia sede del giornale ancora si odono gli echi delle urla di un Gap incazzato, nemmeno i ghostbuster sono riusciti a disinfestare il luogo.
Quindi non leggerete di come ho dipanato la matassa partendo dai tre anni di questo blog e dai 475 post scritti, di cui qualcuno assolutamente inutile, che fanno una media di quasi un post ogni 2,5 giorni. Post lunghi, lunghissimi, mai brevi salvo rarissime eccezioni, discettazioni politiche a non finire, heart attacks in the country that are proving true, stories, sinanche a novel or short story long. Commitment worthy of a better cause and a fixed monthly fee. Nor do you know the analysis of visits and page views that so many bloggers do not even know ingrillare of that / those bloggers who were moved to read, they could not do without it, and suddenly disappear into thin air without an explanation swallowed / and the network where you are lost find their way and without the strength to come back among us. Maybe you should call the Agency Alfa and Nathan Never. And not even know how it is spent by friends / bloggers that the witch of Robin Hood and the Sheriff of Nottingham through and Ignazio La Giorgia Meloni Russia and the enjoyment of seeing them standing to clap their hands to get Benigni then to the unification and the emergence of nations, wars of conquest and a few for the many revolutions, the revolutions never advocated by the poor classes, but always by a rich enlightened bourgeois or noble, the red flag, vivid and blood, and black flag of anarchy which is also "the color of a ... inconsolable sadness." For memories of love and ardor of youth never forget that not prevent me from even picking up a black flag. Flying, at a safe distance, even Sanremo, rhetoric and patriotism, the humor and irony, Benigni and Luke and Paul, not to mention the two joyous, it is time to stop offending geese. And how could I ignore whoremongers and whores? Finally, to close with generosity, solidarity , the interference of religion (all) in the lives of men, dignity and choices, and to pull myself up, my two cats.
A guy goes to the barber, sits in his chair and was immediately surrounded by the white crisp sheets. This system, rests his head and when asked the barber "How do you do your hair this month?" seraphic calm and answered: "A cat's tail." The astonished barber lo guarda e dopo un po' ribatte: "E come sarebbero?", "Sicuramente meglio di quelli a cazzo di cane del mese scorso".
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