in newspapers when you receive an unsolicited intervention is used to the phrase "receive and publish" without further comment. But I get, the public, I agree wholeheartedly, and I do even with the same font and color used by the author of the email. I noticed, talking to women, who often used the word screaming as the text below and read many sentences on Fb, a deep need to know loud and clear that the situation is not sustainable. Perhaps yelling is able to make it clear that for too long has been said or sub-normal volume. It would be trite to say that this message has a taste more bitter after the news of the rape of a girl of eleven years in Naples. And on TV they said that young people, maximum 15 years, families are "normal." Appunto, è la normalità che ci sta ammazzando.
Ciao Gap,
è tutto il giorno che medito se scriverti o meno, ma, dato che mi sei venuto in mente più volte, eccomi.
Data la mia pessima sintassi e il mio stato di rinco-stanchezza ti chiedo di soprassedere sulla forma con cui scriverò questa mail, magari ti basi sul contenuto e basta.
Sai cosa c'è Gap?
E' che sono stanca, molto stanca, e a me la stanchezza mi porta o a dei sospiri enormi o a delle enormi urla.
Le urla sono quello che vorrò fare domenica.
Urlare per svuotare la rabbia compressa che danneggia, logorando, solo me, all'interno.
Urlare per far sentire che personalmente non esiste più il confine tra lo schifo, il disgusto e il profondo imbarazzo che ho nel camminare sul mondo.
Quello che mi fa incazzare è che non esistono più gli equilibri che ci hanno portato ad essere una società civile (?).
Il problema è che è proprio l'educazione che si può dare ai figli che viene eliminata dalle ideologie tramandate culturalmente.
I ragazzi, le donne, si sentono sempre più autorizzati a superare i limiti, perché tali non lo sono più.
As for Berlusconi.
But it's not just my anger towards him (maybe disgust), it is more general.
now be open-minded just to have new favors is the norm. Synonym of cleverness.
E 'that sometimes, on nights like this, where I would send to hell 3 / 4 of the people I work for to do, I feel a desperate and dangerous covert war, I triggers a strong anger.
Anger is not just to the institutions or policy, but to the "rudeness" of young people, to abuse and silence (especially female ones, I admit).
The truth is that it is a mammoth cultural war.
And this makes the ground slippery and the media.
Gap But I digress, and I'm sorry to be the most incoherent of Carroll's Alice, but see it only to explain that on Sunday I will be in place for an almost physiological need to scream my outrage, my feeling offended by the ignorance that generates violence.
Everything (almost) here.
Sai Gap, I followed a woman in an anti-violence center that I attend, in an interview he said:
"I never believed that we can be reborn , I had all this inside me. Now I know that with your help I can help my children, there are many things that I do not know, I want to read and learn. I thought I knew and yet there are things that I do not know, just me! Almost makes me feel. "
Here are passages like this that I recharge when I feel exhausted and angry as I said before.
When I see models like Ruby Sara with adolescence or burnt, evolutionary steps removed, I get the chills and discomfort ..... then I think of women like Mary, Dora, Zhama, with whom I speak and I spoke, with which we are a growth path , and I realize that we must always resist, because by Somewhere there is the food.
Minutes. Sentimental. Paper. Virtual.
So never stop trying to create.
Now to personal dignity after this Papello kilometers of mail I re-read and are ready to cash out your sarcasm. I love it.
Now I'm drunk with sleep, I'll stay off all the time (PC and stereo) and then get to bed and stay with my eyes wide open for at least an hour!
and patience!
For me, it was a pleasure.
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