Monday, February 7, 2011

Glioblastoma Silver Bracelets

rust of democracy, the grinder has arrived!

So February 13 is expected to take to the streets to challenge the prime minister his disrespectful behavior toward women. Not a problem, personally I was square with them when males were forced to the margins of the parade because guests and often not even desired. But there were other times, far and that it is useless to regret. And, as then, I can not find just yet. The event next adventure is inspired by behavior and by the parties in Berlusconi's villa. At first glance it's all right, the critical (crime or not) and the resulting positions. But not enough, we need to dig into the reasons that lead to this sudden acceleration delay. Even if they have written thousands of taste I do not want to take my part in this orgy (to stay on) of words, often in vain and hypocritical.
no point in hiding that in many / and there is hope that we can kick off the ouster of judicial motives with Berlusconi have nothing to do with politics. And it shows the smallness of our politics (all) divided into those who defend the King knowing that it is not defensible, and those who accuse him politically, but that is not capable of passing the rightness of his ideas and was forced to cling to everything to win. One could say that is another issue but it is not. Nothing is ever free from the context. But let us pause to women. We begin the campaign against the newspaper Unit sexist advertising. Laudable campaign undermined, in my opinion, the choice that made the director of De Gregorio tie the image of the new format of the newspaper to that of a girl minigonna ... ma che ve lo dico a fare, faccio prima a pubblicare la foto. Ora vorrei chiedere a qualcuno/a di voi se si ricorda, senza leggere, gli aggettivi che riguardavano il giornale o se ricorda meglio il culetto della signorina in minigonna. Non troviamo scuse, pubblicità errata e non basta citare lo scatto di Toscani, fosse stato anche Avedon o Mapplethorp o Berengo Gardin (tanto per far vedere che conosco qualche fotografo), è il connubio culetto-Unità che è sbagliato. Talmente sbagliato che la Carfagna, in epoche passate deretano e tette al vento, ha utilizzato quella foto per difendere il premier dalle accuse e dalla richiesta di opinione di una giornalista de l'Unità stessa. Ma, per non sembrare acrimonioso verso il mio ex giornale, I do not go ahead with the criticism.
Someone spoke of women's bodies as an asset that they manage themselves as they see fit. That many girls are using themselves as a shortcut to reach the economic well-being without having to go to clean the ass (always to stay on) of anonymous flaccid old men throughout the country. Old story. These girls are a wretched percentage number on the bulk of prostitutes operating in the country. Just ask those stationed in the streets of the suburbs of large and small urban centers. And this does not carry even a small part of "social function", in other words to give pleasure, even if fictional, flesh and illusory a poveri maschi che si ritrovano soli e senza soldi per pagare una escort (ridicola la distinzione tra escort e puttana). Difficile e pericoloso il discorso, ma qualcuno dovrà pur farlo. 
Allora tutti in piazza con le donne a protestare contro il degradamento della figura e della funzione della donna. Ma siamo sicuri che le donne, anche quelle di sinistra, siano esenti da colpe? Sicure che con quella apparente parità esse non abbiano preso tutti i difetti dei maschi perdendo la loro particolarità? Sicuri che tutte hanno la coscienza pulita? Sicuri, maschi e femmine, che la colpa sia solo del pseudo progetto culturale portato avanti da Berlusconi con le sue televisioni e le sue donnine? Maybe you let your guard down is convinced that the work was sufficient and that there was any need to fight for true equality of the sexes. Imagine if I can affect the views of the old ladies who say that Berlusconi is free to do what he wants, if true, free to bugger young girls of 17 years in search of easy money. They are probably women that their men have never given the secondary channel for decency, dignity, privacy and even bigotry. But libertarians do with the butt of others is always easy.
Women, I'm still with you in the streets Feb. 13, as before, and as will be later. But not Prestatie games small-time politicians. And speaking of the League (upper case only for the sake of understanding) how can we ignore the two weights and two measures that apply to prostitution? Prosecute prostitutes and customers with photos, and fines only because on the road, but at home you can do anything, no eye has seen, enough to have your wallet full of sghei.


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