Monday, February 14, 2011

Gay Cruising Pittsburgh

After the excitement, reflection

Italy country of orgies. Media, and carnal windbag. Orgy of pessimism, victimization, optimism, and all other "isms" that you can think of, then to return to the orgy of insults.
leopard frog
Like a frog jumper, pass over to Berlusconi Gelmini, Ferrara (easy joke: you reflected on the theater where he made the manifestation of underwear? Dal Verme. In nomen omen. I did not want to do, but since I have not read anywhere throw it in there) and more. Of course, beautiful and participatory event, the model correctly predicted the "spread", over 200 cities in Italy and around the world, not concentrated, but not all gold that glitters. And so as not to lose enamel'm going to put his finger on and shed a bit 'of salt, because the pain keeps us awake and alert. For too long there has been lulled into illusions and then to demonstrate for us the obvious, obvious words and also having to explain why the obvious is no longer of this nation, our history and our culture.
Yesterday I saw everything from elderly couples who took to the streets to which lacked only the oxygen tank, a little girls thrilled that, thanks to their parents, they asked, wanted to know and do not participate as goats to graze. I saw something that reminded me of the metropolitan Indians. I saw the Old feminists, those with white scarves and those with red scarves. I have seen and read many many women have seen many signs and slogans, more or less homemade. And it is from them that I would leave.
so happens that the slogan carries the logo of my former newspaper. I repeat, is a case but I can not help it. That "Love is free" is misleading and does not endorse. Love is not never free, is a sexist concept. Shit but I must say that I am a man? Love means paying a price for his ego, male or female. It means to give space to another that becomes part of your life, and this costs. It 's free for husbands and fathers masters to whom everything is due. For those who have respect for the coast, sometimes as much.
Yesterday, in many copies, circulated the photo of Berlusconi behind bars, you can see the enlarged view. I found it useless, politically damaging because it undermines the value of the latter. Personally I do not show to watch the national Silvio behind bars. They are made of justice and his concern and I per questo. Non mi interessa sconfiggere il premier mandandolo in galera. Mi interessa batterlo con delle proposte alternative che diano fiato e speranza a questo Paese. Andare in giro con quel cartello è dare un alibi alla destra, "Cercate la soluzione giudiziaria alla vostra sconfitta".
E' vero, ieri si è visto qualcosa di diverso. Gli uomini alla manifestazione delle donne, come invitati e parte attiva. La cosa non mi rende particolarmente felice. Negli anni '70, quando le femministe tenevano ai margini i maschi per intenderci, alle manifestazioni c'erano gli uomini, camminavano sui marciapiedi e non nel corteo, e erano più di quello che si è sempre pensato. Mi chiedo dove erano, tutti i maschi che ieri sono scesi in piazza, negli 70? If they had fought with women 40 years ago, maybe we made some more step toward true equality of rights between men and women.
to close. Many women are now being carried out and cited as inspiring the women's movement, 40 years ago would have been kept at the margins by the same feminists. Should we not reflect on this issue?

Here an interesting analysis of the male.

Yesterday we attended choir practice, but we missed the performance.


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